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Put forward the hidden talents of your colleagues with this remote game.

  • For remote Teams
  • Live with Video conference Tools ( Skype / Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Go to meeting)
  • 90 minutes
  • Virtual Team Building
  • At home / Telecommuting / Teleworking
  • Customizable
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Say goodbye to the good old-fashioned treasure hunt on paper:  With this tablet-based activity,...

  • In person team building 📍
  • Culture & Discovery 🧠
  • Outdoor 🌞
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
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Escape Game mixed with digital investigation

  • In person game 📍
  • Escape Game 🔐
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Custumizable 🎨
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This digital activity is a mix between entertainment and culture and will reconcile art lovers with...

  • In person game 📍
  • Culture & discovery 🧠
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
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A remote Escape Game with virtual teams. Join the Green Academy !

  • Remote Team Building 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Virtual escape game 🔐
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Escape Game mixed with digital investigation

  • In person game 📍
  • Escape Game 🔐
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Custumizable 🎨
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An in person team building to engage debate, listen and take decisions.

  • In person game 📍
  • Strategy ♟
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
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Put forward the hidden talents of your colleagues with this remote game.

  • Virtual team building 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Investigation 🔎
  • Customizable 🎨
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A collaborative virtual game in which all team members can make a valuable contribution

  • Virtual team building 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Investigation 🔎
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DigitalTrends — a virtual team building activity mixed with a training on innovation topics.

  • Virtual team building 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Culture & discovery 🧠
  • Customizable 🎨
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A game to master corporate organisation based around remote working and agility.

  • Remote Game 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • New ways of working 🧪
  • Custumizable 🎨
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Use a team serious game to learn how to manage change.

  • Virtual serious game 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Change Management 🔄
  • Custumizable 🎨
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A game enabling newcomers to discover the premises and key values of your company.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Onboarding 🚀
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
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An Escape Game to convey your company’s policies and values to newcomers.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Onboarding 🚀
  • Indoor 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
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A training game to instill good management practices when dealing with crisis situations.

  • In person Serious game 📍
  • Crisis management ⚠
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
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A digital game to explore new workspaces.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Move & new workplace
  • Indoor or outdoor hybrid 🏠 🌞
  • Itinerant 🏃
  • Customizable 🎨
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How to develop the emotional intelligence of your employees through various concrete situations.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Emotional intelligence / Communication / cognitive biases 💚
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
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A game to master the concepts of change management.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Change management 🔄
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
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A game presenting information about regulations and new laws relating to staff representatives.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Regulations & new laws 📜
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
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A digital investigation to raise awareness about the fight against corruption.

  • In person serious game 📍
  • Anti-corruption law ✅
  • Indoors 🏠
  • Static 🪑
  • Customizable 🎨
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A 100 % online and collaborative Serious Game designed to integrate and acculturate newcomers.

  • Remote serious game 🎧
  • Live with Video conference Tools (Zoom / Team By Microsoft / Google Meet...) 💻
  • Onboarding 🚀
  • Customizable 🎨
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